Thursday, March 8, 2018

These 17 Women Changed The Face Of Physics-physicsknow

International Women's Day 2018-PhysicsKnow 

These 17 Women Changed The Face Of Physics- PhysicsKnow

From discovering pulsars to correcting the optics of the fuzzy Hubble Space Telescope, here are 17 stories of women who made undeniably vital contributions to astronomy and physics.
Some of these stories will be familiar to you, their contributions a regular staple of science classes, while others will likely be new names you haven't encountered before.
For yet more stories celebrating women in science, try these articles on currently-living Canadian scientists, the group of women hired by Edward Charles Pickering who figured out Cepheid variation, the women employed by NASA in the 1940s crunch numbers, one of the earliest palaeontologists and fossil-hunters, the first woman to go to space, and the woman who repaired Skylab's damaged sunshield. Want to keep up the celebration year-round?